Monday, July 25, 2005

Big Week

Okay all you party people, here is a morsel for you.

This is the last week of our training before school starts August 1st. If you are not sure how close that really is, I'll tell you. It's this coming Monday. I just got into my classroom for the first time today, and it is bare. I put up some butcher paper for color and such, but honestly, I didn't really accomplish much today. It is interesting how much of room layout depends on the activities you will be doing in said room. And when you don't have your books or curriculum, you don't know the activities, which means you don't really know how your room will work. In the end, it's more like a machine than a classroom. A well-oiled machine.

Also, we are moving into our house this week, so that is exciting but hot and stressful. I'll be glad when we are all settled, and when there is water in our pool. Yeah, we have a pool.

I think that is enough for now. Feel free to leave a comment about how jealous you are about my pool. Or about teaching 25 first graders...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

It was 65 degrees in NE today... Who needs a pool with weather like that? It sounds like life has some exciting stuff for you though.