Friday, March 10, 2006


Well, I've been home from Europe for over a week now, and let me just say that I love America.

Traveling in Europe was great, and I've wanted to do it since I was, like, born, but I was born in America, and it is great to be home!

I was submerged, well, okay, dipped into three different cultures in ten days. It was enough to keep me off balance for my whole trip. I was always just a little uncomfortable. I think this was probably a good thing.

It was absolutely great to see my dear friend Mary Ann. She was a great person to travel with, and versed in one of the cultures I was in. That was especially helpful. It was also good to see where Mary Ann lives and works. I also got to meet some of her students. They thought we sounded like movie stars. And I felt a bit like a celebrity over there, because if there is one thing I learned (and was pleasantly surprised by), it is that the French love Americans.

I got to see the Eiffel Tower, and eat on it in a fancy restaurant (I ate roasted rooster, yum!), I saw the Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe. I got to shop and eat bagettes. It was good times.

In London, I got to hear my all time favorite accent. I got to stay at an English Bed and Breakfast run by the most jolly man I've ever met. I got to dance the night away in a club called Los Locos. And it turns out the American accent is very exciting over there. Well, at least to twenty something British men in bars/night clubs. I rode a double decker bus. I had a full English breakfast, complete with yummy tea (I didn't even have to put sugar in it). I got to see Notting Hill and eat in the cutest restaurant called The Crazy Dazy Cafe. It was a mommy friendly place as it served organic baby food. But do not be dismayed, it also served fish and chips and quiche and chips (which is what I ate). Everything comes with chips! Which, as you know means french fries, and if you know me, you know I love fries.

In Spain, I stayed at a hotel 100 yards from the sea. I tried (and failed horribly) to speak with a Castilian Spanish accent. I got very sick and spent an entire day in said hotel with a fever, but also with my dear friend Mary Ann.

I am glad to be home. I missed my family. Besides things are starting to get really exciting around here. For those of you who have made it this far in my post. I've started to go to a different church down here in Arizona. It is exactly what I needed. I'm starting to meet new people and get a little more plugged in. I'm excited to see how this new chapter will unfold.

Thanks for reading. Peace out.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Oh Rach, I'm so glad that you had a great time! I would love to hear more about all your adventures. Miss you!