Tuesday, March 08, 2005

And a One, Two, Three

In answer to Tom's questions in his posted comment:
1. Zero trophies, one medal for the team match.
2. I did not keep the false eyelashes. I didn't even wear them. They felt too weird.

The competition was an exciting time with lots of great dancing. There were two highlights of the evening. The first was when they announced that team Phoenix had won the team match. However, the real highlight was watching the pro couple dance. They were amazing. I think in the pro dance world they dance faster, and I think that is to showcase their skills of balance and footwork. So if they are playing a song that has a beat like 1-2-3-4, us normal people would do one step for each beat. These dancers danced at about twice that speed. So picture really fast latin dances punctuated by really slow drawn out movements.

I also found out my score for the competition. I got a 93 out of 100. I found this out Monday night at my critique with the male part of the pro dancing couple. He was really nice and British. He said a 93 isn't bad because the highest score they gave was a 97, and they only gave out a few scores between 93 and 97. So, that was nice. Then he wathced me dance with Robert and corrected my posture.

So, that was that. It was a really fun time, and it also helped me think about and evaluate the place ballroom dancing will have in my life.

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