Saturday, September 23, 2006

Pictures for Profile

Big Hair

For the past few days I've been using a diffuser to blow dry my hair. This has resulted in really big hair. Which I love. I mean, it's tastefully big, but still very large and in charge.

This new big hair of mine has caused a male teacher to ask, "Hey, have you been doing something different to your hair the past few days?" Not wanting to reveal too many hair secrets to him, I cooly replied, "Ummm...uhhh...yeah, I've been using this new.....thing." He volleyed back with, "Well, it's a good thing."

What! What! Little Rachel is involved in interoffice(campus?) shenanigans?!? Not really, but it is nice to be noticed. Wouldn't you agree?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Todabor Day is Labor Day

Well, not really, but practically everytime I hear the words Labor Day, I think of the Homestarrunner cartoon where he sings a song with the above title. So, yeah.

Anyways, for Labor Day I'm going shopping with my mom, and I'm getting a massage in the afternoon, because I got a certificate for a massage for my birthday. Then me and my family will probably grill out on our new grill and go swimming. Maybe I'll take some pictures and post 'em. Happy Labor Day to me.

I hope you all out there have a restful weekend and get to spend time with people you love.