Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Time Flies When You Work in the Summer

I realize my past three posts have been about websites. I'm in a sort of rut, I guess. So I thought I'd try and bust out by posting what's been going on with me.

Summer vakay is still in full swing. The plus side is I get time to recover from my first year of teaching. The downside is I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much time on my hands. Yeah, sure, I read a lot, and see movies and go dancing, but each of those activities is only a few hours long, and last time I checked a day has 24 least. I realize by publishing this statement I sound like a whiney baby, but I've finally realized that loads of free time is not what I want. I want to be gainfully employed, but balance that with times of rest too.

On a different note, one of the books I'm reading is called True Faced and it's written by three men at my church. It's basically about dropping the masks that we put on for ourselves to try and convince others and God that we are fine. This book is about learning to be fine with not being fine, but mostly about letting others see us and love us when we are not fine, and baring our not-fineness to those who want to love us.

It's really making me think about how real I've been with people. And I think to some extent I've been a little real with people, as I've gradually become more in touch with who I am. However I definitely think I have some masks that I didn't even know about. I'm a little uncomfortable when I read this book because I feel like it's pointing a big, fat finger at me, but I think that's good because that means I'm being stretched.


Mary Ann said...

Rach...I do think that it's good, albeit uncomfortable. I will call you soon. This new work schedule has got me messed up, but it's good to have something to do. I don't know what I would do if I was a teacher and had loads of free time...
love you!

Jenny said...

Ahh I understand the woahs of having too much time on your hands. I am definitely experiencing that. Although I should be filling my time with fundraising. So the other day I found myself daydreaming that I had a job that didn't slow down this dramatically in the summer. I discovered as I was daydreaming about being a teacher that they have the summers off too. I am destined to deal with what to do with my life when it is so empty of "gainful employment." I also long to get away from the pit that summer is for my walk with God. no such luck!