Saturday, November 12, 2005

Karoke, Conferences, Creation

Hey everybody...everybody...everybody...

Is anybody there...there...there?

I know I haven't posted in a while, but if you're still checking up on me here's an update for you.

Last weekend we had what's called a Medal Ball Graduation at the dance studio. That means we get recognized for the dances we've been working on, and have a little "graduation ceremony" to show we are moving onto the next levels in our dances. I graduated from Associate Bronze Tango. So anyways, we danced at the studio and then went out to dinner at this awesome restaurant and had more dancing. I sat at a table with another girl Christine. We talked the entire time, and I had a chance to share a small part of my testimony, so I'm hoping sometime I'm able to follow up a little bit.

After all this excitement Christine and some other people convinced me to go to a karoke bar with them. We were all a little overdressed coming from a dance party, but one of the ladies knew the manager, so it was all good. I sang a few songs. I am no longer a karoke virgin. I danced a Samba in the middle of the bar, that was also very fun.

Also, this week I had parent teacher conferences, and most were in Spanish. After the initial few with a translator, I conducted them by myself in Spanish! Yay for getting to use the foreign language I studied for so long! It was so exhausting! By lunch time I was completely drained and starving. I ate my own lunch, which consisted of a peanut butter sandwich, grapes and yogurt. Then someone offered me a chicken thigh, so I ate that. Then some other first grade teachers went to McDonald's and brought me back Biggie Fries, and I ate those too. Then I was full. Talking in another language really uses a lot of energy! And calories (hopefully)!

Conferences were a very positive experience. Many of my families are really interested in helping their kids, so they came seeking my advice about what to do at home to help them. This is always encouraging as a teacher.

Also, in Bible study we are studying Genesis. The origin of the world and all its peoples is a fascinating thing to study. Especially from God's perspective. His promises to those he loves, his care, his planning are all present in the first 9 chapters of the whole Bible. Truly He is worthy of our praise! He is the Mastermind of the universe, and keeps it running. He is the Great Shepherd, Comforter and Sacrifice, and to discover all this in the first book in the Bible gives so much meaning to the rest of it.


Mary Ann said...

Hey Rach,
Thanks for the update! I am pretty sure that speaking a foreign language burns least that is my experience!

Tracy said...

yay~ glad you posted again. I'm counting down the days until I get to see you for real at Molly's wedding! Loves, T