Saturday, September 17, 2005

What I've Been Up To

Where to begin? I'll start from the current time and go backwards.

It is almost 10 o'clock here in Arizona, and I've been avoiding planning for school all day. I had a good excuse this afternoon, but this evening I did not.

This afternoon I was in the last leg of a two-day dance competition. Friday I debuted my first dance routine. It was a Paso Doble/Samba medley, and it rocked! I had so much fun working on the routine and performing it. It was also fun to watch other people's routines as well. This afternoon we had freestyles, which is where you just dance for two minute bursts and are judged on technique. I don't know my overall score, but I scored a 98 out of 100 on my routine! Even without false eyelashes! It's times like these that make me want to leave everything behind and become a professional ballroom dancer. But alas, reality calls.

Before this weekend I was teaching, and I will just say, it is hard. There is so much I've been made accountable for, and I wonder if I'm truly teaching these kids what they really need to know. All I can do is try my best, so I keep clinging to that.

I've been avoiding planning because it is a challenge to work so hard on something and prepare it for the kids, and have it be a complete flop. Other times, stuff you don't plan very well, the kids love and want to do all the time. In teaching, you learn to let a lot of stuff roll off your back.

Anyway, that is all for now.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

yay~ thanks for the update. you should post a video of you doing your routine. that would be cool. loves!