Monday, June 27, 2005

Praise the Lord and Hallelujah!

Well folks, today I had a screening interview with Glendale Elementary School District. From my previous experience I knew that this was just a preliminary step to the process, and it would take a principal's recommendation for the district to hire me.

The screening interview went really well (much better than the one I'd done before). I felt my answers were better and more thorough. The man who was interviewing me was also more personable, so I felt more at ease in discussing my thoughts on teaching. After the interview he took me into the assistant superintendent's office, and introduced us. I didn't really know what I was doing in there, he had mentioned setting up interviews with principals, but to be honest I wasn't expecting much. As soon as I was introduced to the superintendent we sat down and she said, "Well Rachel, your screening interview went so well that we would like to offer you a contract right now." I was dumbstruck. The normal procedure is like I said before, the principals make the hiring recommendation. For a district to offer me a contract means they want me in their district so badly they don't want to wait on a principal to hire me.

So, I took the contract. I am now going to be a teacher for Glendale Elementary School District! My first day is July 18th and it's some sort of staff development or training. And school starts August 1st! AUGUST 1st!

I think I'm going to barf.

Okay, but it gets better. Before I'd even walked out of the district office, a principal was calling me and leaving a message on my cell phone that he wanted to set up an interview. I listened to the message and called my dad to tell him the exciting news. While I was on the phone with my dad another principal called and left a message about an interview. By 11:30 this morning I had two interviews set up. While I stopped and had a quick lunch break I got another call and set up another interview. So, by the end of the day I'd had four interviews, and here's the clincher: all four offered me positions in their schools. (Here would be a good time to ask for your prayers that the Lord would lead me to the right school, where I would have support and be able to play an integral part in where the school is going, and be a witness to Him if even in my teaching)

Also, later this evening we were out celebrating (and my uncle was in town on business, so we went out to dinner with him), and I got another phone call from a principal for an interview tomorrow.

Up until last week I had lost all hope I would ever be a teacher. I had started thinking preliminarily about finding a job that had a benefit package so I'd at least have insurance. I mean, it was bad. Doesn't it just go to show you how God provides? And blesses? I mean here I was with no prospects, and suddenly I have schools vying to have me, begging me to choose them. And I am not exaggerating. Two of the principals today begged me to consider their school.

How He richly blesses! What abundance! What undeserved provision! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and I know that you are going to be an amazing teacher! Principals should be begging for you!

Justin said...

Thanks for sharing this story. It is wonderful to hear about God's faithfulness and provision. It is amazing hoe He leads us through valleys of discouragment into wide places of joy and blessing.

I'll be praying for your decision making process. Having 4-5 schools to choose from is a nice problem to have ;)

Lauren said...

wow rach! i'm so excited and happy for you! however, i'm not really that surprised because any school would be lucky to have you! keep us posted (ha! posted!! like a post!) on the situation!

love you girl!