Wednesday, December 29, 2004

On the One Who Loves Me

Just some reflection after a quiet time...

In this new stage of my life, I don't have a sense of direction. Nothing is familiar. I don't know what to think or what to feel. As my compass needle spins wildly trying to find north, and as I kick and flail my legs trying to find and break the surface of the water, there is a stillness, a point of stillness within me. It is He!

He is constant, He is ever pursuing and He is relentless in His pursuit. He cannot forget me. He cannot! And what a relief because just as His memory starts to fade from my mind, He is behind me grabbing my hand like a lover. He begs me to take a walk with Him or just to sit. He fills my ear with How much He loves me, and how He'll never stop loving me. He begs me to meet Him here in this very spot again tomorrow, and the next day...

And though He is the lover of my soul, He is not young as I am. No, He has the wisdom of the ages. And if I can quiet my wildly beating heart for a moment or two, I can hear His words. He loves to teach me, and I love to learn. He is patient with me for I am forgetful and slow to grasp His simple profundities, but He loves me and never stops.

This is the One whom I love, this is the One who loves me.

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