Friday, March 04, 2005

Wish Me Luck

Well, on Sunday March 6th I will be competing in my first ballroom dancing competition. I am dancing in the freestyle events which means I don't have choreographed routines. I will be competing in the salsa, cha cha, mambo, rumba, hustle, waltz and tango. I will also be doing the Salsa in a team match. In the freestyle events I am judged on technique in the team match we are judged on how much fun we are having and how loud we are cheering for our team. Woooo!

I will be wearing more makeup than I've ever worn on all the other occasions in my life combined, I will have false eyelashes, and a really big smile. I will have numerous costume changes (by costumes I don't mean the ridiculously expensive dance costumes you typically see, but my own outfits. However, I have met someone who knows the person who made the costumes for Jennifer Lopez in Shall We Dance, so perhaps someday...). I will also be having a really good time. I am super excited to be doing this and my mom is coming to watch.

In all my wildest dreams I never imagined I would actually be in a competition. It's something I always said I would be doing, but never took steps to realize. So, wish me luck on this exciting endeavor, and I'll keep you all posted.


Jenny said...

how'd it go?

Tracy said...

I can't believe that you were in a competition. How cool! I watched Shall We Dance on the plane, and I can envision you looking just like JLo. Details, details please! :)