Thursday, December 23, 2004

The first, the very first

Hey all! Here I am in the realm of the bloggers. I can hardly believe it, I think my pulse actually quickened!

Okay on to the juice. I have safely arrived in Phoenix after my three day journey with my dad. It was fun to drive all that way, the terrain is so beautiful as it changes from plains, to evergreen mountains, to desert and Saguaro cacti...and mountains. It gets really rugged in the desert part (imagine rugged pronounced with an Australian accent). There are actually cacti that shoot their spines at you if you get too close. I'm serious. Anyways, it's beautiful.

It was also cool to get some one-on-one time with my dad, and I think I surprised him a little by my road worthiness. I think he thought I would constantly be falling asleep behind the wheel, and need restroom breaks every hour on the hour, and not know which way was up. Or maybe I just thought he thought that.

Anywho, I am rambling now so I will quickly move on to the juicier juice. I've been doing this new devotional called Father, I Long for a Dancing Heart. (If I could use that phrase everyday life would be sweet). It was a gift from Jen. Normally, I find myself far to cynical to do those. I don't really know why. I think I have a hard time with someone else telling me how to have a quiet time. Pride? I think so. Anywho, I've been doing it for two days, and so far I haven't had a pride flair up, and I've enjoyed it. I've been looking at Psalm 46:10. I'll keep you all posted on how that goes.

I think that will be all for now, have a great day and a Merry Christmas.


Jenny said...

I love that you are UNASHAMED to blog. I think I was a bit more concerned about what others would think (maybe I have been a math major too long). I loved the post. I am excited to keep reading up on your life.

Justin said...

Hi Rachel,

Welcome to the blogosphere. I look foreward to hearing from you whenever you have the time to post. I'll be praying for you as you adjust to life in Arizona. I know that there will be a lot to get used to, and many things you miss about Nebraska, but I'm also confident that the time with your family will be good. I have fond memories of my time living in Flagstaff. Arizona is a great place to live. You definitely won't miss the cold winters of the midwest.
Did you drive through Flag on your way out?
You should definitely finda time to drive the back route from Flag down to Sedona sometime. It is one of the most beautiful drives in the US.